In keeping with the latest techniques and practices in the landscape industry, Xeriscapes Unlimited is presently promoting the renovation style landscape pruning method. This approach limits the monthly or bi monthly shearing to only once or twice per year depending on location and liability. Not only will this procedure ensure your plant’s vigorous growth and colorful display of blooms, it will also reduce the amount of water needed. The reduction in green waste is also a substantial benefit. This can be done in late winter or early spring for best results. We do not recommend doing this type of pruning later in the summer as it stresses the plant out considerably during seasons with higher temperatures.

Typically we would choose an area which requires constant shearing and is also overcrowded with plants encroaching upon fences, buildings or other permanent structures. The plants would then be cut back to about ½ the original size then allowed to grow back naturally and colorfully during the peak seasons. The process can be repeated each year if desired or, if space allows, every other year.

Xeriscapes Unlimited will suggest an area for your consideration and choose the proper method of pruning, either every plant or every other plant, so as to achieve the desired effect. Please keep in mind that some plants will not tolerate this style of renovation and we will keep you abreast of each plant’s individual characteristics.

The overall end result is a more natural, colorful landscape which allows each plant to reach its full potential in growth, shape and bloom frequency.