Xeriscapes is committed to Using Limited Desert Resources in Unlimited Ways and we extend that philosophy of using limited resources in all that we do. We understand that many of our partners are doing the same in this economy and hope to add value to the community with this addition to our website.
Xeriscapes is in the process of creating a list of preferred vendors/partners. These contacts will be promoted in social media to over 9,000 contacts, listed on our website, and promoted in a monthly newsletter. This will be done at ABSOLUTELY no cost to our preferred vendors/partners. All of the participants are being asked to offer some incentive, deal or great call to action which will be listed on the Xeriscapes website. This is designed to be a win/win for all as we will be doing all the promoting!
Interested in participating? Email the following to christina@xeriscapes.com :
Business Name:
Point of Contact:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Facebook Link:
Twitter Link:
Youtube Link:
Company Summary:
All submissions must be in good standing with the BBB and have applicable certifications.